full armor course series.
For… Coaches. Athletes. Worship Leaders. Pastors. Entrepeneurs. Parents. Therapists. Law Enforcement. Teachers. Missionaries. Everyone. Anyone. You.
What did the Apostle Paul mean when he said that “exercise is of some value” (1 Timothy 4:8)? What did he intend the reader to understand in illustrating spiritual “armor” for the physical body (Ephesians 6)? What is actually the key to bridging the gap between faith and fitness, if any at all? Is breath work demonic? What validates a healing process and does God care about our strength, mobility and endurance? What is the God-created nature of health and fitness and is there a line between that and “self love”? Can we trust what the Bible says about any of this, at all?
The Full Armor camp and course series is about articulating the answers to the questions… and more. Whether you’re new to fitness, new to faith or a seasoned athlete, coach, pastor, missionary or all of the above, the Full Armor Revelation process is about transformation.
This 2.5 day series is designed to encompass the fundamental principles of Full Armor into an experiential exercise in revelation for anyone with an interest in how to biblically model faith, fitness and healing. Participants of FA1 will have a basic knowledge of how to apply practical concepts from biblical study and physical exercise into their lives to better understand their relationship with God, others and self. Attendees get a free copy of the Full Armor ebook, discounted template access and qualify to start a Full Armor Community with supporting resources. FA1 and FA2 may be completed in any order.
We have no scheduled FA1 Camps at this time. Join our newsletter to be the first to know when we get something on the calendar or contact us to find out what it means to be an FA1 host.
This online course is primarily intended for people in or preparing for roles of leadership who are interested in learning how to apply an integrated understanding of the human mind, spirit and body into ministry. With both lecture and application, this self-paced course delves deeply into theoretical topics of physiology, nervous system management, neuroscience and more within a biblical framework. FA2 gets to the core of "why" FA1 works. Attendees get a complimentary copy of the Full Armor ebook and will receive a certificate of completion. FA1 and FA2 may be completed in any order.
This 5-day course is a fully immersive experience for those who have completed both FA1 and FA2. Attendees of this week will be able to confidently apply the Full Armor assessment process and have a thorough understanding of how to decipher biblical soul care from New Age practice. Attendees who complete FA3 and pass a test at the end of course will receive a certification as a Full Armor Coach.
We have no scheduled FA3 Coaches Weeks at this time. Join our newsletter to be the first to know when we get something on the calendar.

We’re honored to be supported by these companies that have made our Full Armor events possible: