full armor course series.

For… Coaches. Athletes. Worship Leaders. Pastors. Entrepeneurs. Parents. Therapists. Law Enforcement. Teachers. Missionaries. Everyone. Anyone. You.

What did the Apostle Paul mean when he said that “exercise is of some value” (1 Timothy 4:8)? What did he intend the reader to understand in illustrating spiritual “armor” for the physical body (Ephesians 6)? What is actually the key to bridging the gap between faith and fitness, if any at all? Is breath work demonic? What validates a healing process and does God care about our strength, mobility and endurance? What is the God-created nature of health and fitness and is there a line between that and “self love”? Can we trust what the Bible says about any of this, at all?

The Full Armor camp and course series is about articulating the answers to the questions… and more. Whether you’re new to fitness, new to faith or a seasoned athlete, coach, pastor, missionary or all of the above, the Full Armor Revelation process is about transformation.

  • "I feel like I have a new perspective on my season of life."

    FA1 Attendee Survey (Anonymous)

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