A Summer in Katega: Grace’s Testimony

For 5 weeks of Summer 2024, Grace Pettit stayed in Katega village as a representative for Point One Vision and its partnership with Goodlyfe to implement the Youth Healing Fitness Program. An American school teacher, Grace was able to help bridge the connection between the local school and the new multipurpose gym-church to create an incentivized system and scholarship program for more kids to go to school in the near future. We asked her to share about her experience:

Written by Grace Pettit

“Reflecting on my recent journey to Katega Village, Uganda, I am overwhelmed with a deep sense of gratitude and inspiration. This trip showed the remarkable strength of the human spirit and the boundless joy that can flourish even in the face of great adversity, all through unwavering faith in God.

Katega is a remote, rural village near Mubende, and one where families depend on their harvests for their livelihood. This year, however, the harsh winter rains devastated many of their crops. Despite these significant challenges, the villagers' faith in God remains steadfast, and their joy is truly beautiful. Their resilience and unwavering love reveal that true happiness transcends material wealth, rooted instead in the richness of boundless love and faith.

One of the most striking aspects of my time there was the pervasive light of joy and love that seemed to flow effortlessly from every person in the village. Smiles and laughter were abundant, even in the face of adversity. Each day, the people greeted me with enthusiastic shouts and flailing arms of “hi mzungu,” which soon warmed into heartfelt “hi mbabazi”. Their smiles and the warmth of their laughter seemed to light up even the darkest corners of their surroundings, reflecting the joy and love that flow from their faith in Christ.

During my time there, I had the privilege of setting up and integrating a biblical fitness program for Point One Vision into the local education system. My mornings were spent teaching, and my afternoons were dedicated to training local leaders and establishing the infrastructure to sustain the program. The school, though modest and in need of repair, was a place of eager learning. Constructed from wooden poles and tin, with minimal furnishings and resources, it stands as a testament to the villagers’ commitment to education despite the odds. The sole teacher, managing 57 students from nursery to grade 6, exemplifies dedication and resilience. Even amid the challenges of limited resources and a demanding schedule, the students' enthusiasm for learning was nothing short of inspiring.

Most of the children arrived at school with nothing but the clothes on their backs, often walking miles barefoot. Despite this, their enthusiasm and joy for learning was both evident and contagious. The stark contrast between their eagerness and the scarcity of materials served as a poignant reminder of the profound value they place on education, highlighting a remarkable difference from what we often see in more resource-rich environments.

In Katega, daily life was profoundly different from what I’m accustomed to. Without electricity or running water, daily tasks like laundry took hours, and cooking was done over a propane stove or an open fire. The simplicity of their existence highlighted the vast contrasts with the conveniences we often take for granted. Returning to America has been difficult for me. Reconciling the overwhelming access to conveniences and necessities that God has blessed us with—often taken for granted—with the reality I witnessed in Katega has been challenging.

I remember turning on the stove to make breakfast on my second day back and  being overcome with tears, feeling heartbroken and guilty for having access to comforts that not all people have, and thinking “How could I, with all my conveniences, not fully appreciate what God has blessed me with?”. The disparity between our abundance and their modest means is a reminder of how little many Americans truly appreciate what God has blessed us with.

Yet, the joy and faith of the Katega community continue to be a source of strength and inspiration for me. Their ability to find joy and gratitude in their circumstances, despite the challenges they face, is a testament to their deep-rooted faith in God. It reminds me of the true essence of faith—finding light and joy in God’s love even in the midst of trials.  Whenever I think of my Uganda family and their laughter, beautiful smiles, and joy, my heart smiles. I am continually reminded of God’s profound love and provision, which uplifts me with renewed hope.

As Point One continues to serve this community, I am hopeful that we can provide sponsorships for students and build a new school in Katega, ensuring that more children gain access to the education they eagerly desire. I am excited to see how God will continue to work through this village and uplift this community. Their steadfast faith and love are powerful testimonies to the transformative impact of God’s grace. I am profoundly grateful and blessed to be used by Him in this journey, witnessing the radiant light of His work in Katega and the continual unfolding of His plans in their lives.”

Making a donation to the Katega Community Center means partnering with us to bring holistic health solutions on a long-term basis. We earnestly believe in a “hand up” rather than a “hand out” and that’s what this project is all about. We hope that you’ll join us!


1/1000th: Uganda Mission Report