Hope Enough

Rachel is the kind of woman who meets new types of strangers at coffee shops based on the purity of hope. She did not, at that moment, know she was bold. She did not, at that place, feel she was strong. And though she did not see herself as she was, she knew there must be something more. That is hope enough.

Hope is an anchor for weathered and weary, tossed around the sometimes violent waves of life. Hope is a compass for the lost and departed, beaten by rugged terrain. Hope is a lighthouse, Hope is a beacon, Hope is a call back home.

Rachel is the story of a wander woman who learned she was a wonder woman.

"For years I had been in vicious circle where my physical health needed attention and direction. I have tried to get into shape, lost my way many times and was ready to give up on it. There were so many complications on why I couldn't move past a certain point and all of this weighed heavily, not just on my body (literally), but also my mind and soul. Mental depression had a grip on me. God knew this and knew exactly when to present the opportunity for much needed change.

Then I received a call about a "trainer" who wanted to meet and train with me. She had a "different" type of program that encompasses more than just exercise. Of course, I grasped the buoy that was thrown to me and hung on for dear life. I felt like it was a lifeline that was happening at the right moment in time. Sometimes, you have to get to the end of your rope. Yes I am stubborn, a loner, self-sufficient and a slow learner... but I do learn.

At my first class, Sarah spoke about breathing and my diaphragm... I wasn't quite sure where she was going with it, but I did what she asked me to do. I knew I could trust her to always keep me safe, yet push me beyond my comfort zone. I had sessions with Sarah twice a week and during our time together I learned how important breathing and posture are. By the end of a 6 week commitment to the process, I realized I am stronger than I think - not just physically, but mentally. I can carry more weight than I thought possible and lift barbells with a strength I never knew. I smile every time I leave the gym, amazed at what I accomplished.

I am forever grateful to Sarah and Point One for taking this girl, who was broken both physically and mentally, and showing her that she was made for more - more than I could ever imagine. Watch out world for what I will do next!"

- Rachel Halpenny: Mother, Coffee Lover, HR Manager, Hiker/Outdoor Enthusiast


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