It's Not About Me


It’s not easy to run a nonprofit. That statement has actually little to do with handling the logistics of managing a board-operated organization, maintaining fiscal record or keeping up with the mood of social media. It’s not the tedium of approving meeting minutes or coordinating the many moving parts. It’s not even the fact that I wrestle with imposter syndrome so often. The hard part is the sheer faith and dependence that it requires. The most difficult thing is asking others to believe in it as much as I do. The nearly impossible thing is to ask others to give of their time and their money. 

I may have been the founder of this organization, but it is hardly my own. The credit goes to the gracious God of this expansive universe that knows far better than I how to care for the hearts of people in every segment of culture. I am simply a participant that has been tasked to learn about leadership. 

It’s not about me. 

The inception of this organization began in 2017, but it wasn’t until 2019 that Point One Vision would be put on paper. Now two years later, I’ve been the wide-eyed witness to some incredible acts of the goodness of God. As I’ve let go of my own iron fist and experienced the humbling of my own heart, I’ve been able to receive the gift of watching a world be changed - something I’ve wanted so badly as a child that it hurt. 

My feet are firmly set upon the foundations of this ministry to see a kingdom-vision through. Sometimes it means fixing the leaking pipes, painting the walls or washing the windows. Other times it means bringing in new furniture or adding a mural at the end of the hall. Once in a while it means adding another room or building a mantel. 

Here are ways in which we have established service avenues in just two years. Here are the areas in which I ask you to consider supporting:

General Fund 

We eagerly endeavor to expand the resources that Point One Vision is able to provide those in need as a way to serve people in real, practical ways in order to bring them closer to the light of Jesus Christ. We believe that the walk comes before the talk. 

Feed Uganda 

In partnership with Nets4Life, a Uganda-based local nonprofit organization, we help to provide mosquito nets, food and sustainable resources to some of the most remote communities of Uganda, Africa. Your donations help us further the impact of this coalition in order to provide life-saving contributions without disrupting the importance of local support. 

Iraq Project 

Due to safety considerations, the details of this project will not be made public. We are helping to build an internal infrastructure of leaders in the Middle East and ask that you help fund the needs of this powerful project. 

Hug Better: Sandbags for All

In partnership with Exercise JOY, we have a mission to get a fitness sandbag into the hands of everyone! From kids to sufferers of Parkinson’s and chronic pain to high level athletes, the simplicity and efficiency of a training sandbag not only increases physical health but can be used as a tool for moderating the nervous system and factors of unwellness. Your donations to this fund help us provide these resources to partner programs. 

Full Armor Education Scholarship 

We believe that the fitness industry is a space in need of ministry by attuning to the heart and motives of an individual, using knowledge of physiology, mobility and breath to realign people to the sanctity of their creation. Your donations to this fund will permit kingdom-minded leaders access to the tools and resources needed to be relevant and most effective in the industry. 

Organization Partnership 

Do you have your own ministry or nonprofit organization? We believe strongly in the unity of like-minded leaders and would love to find a way to partner with you. Please reach out to us at to start a conversation!

Volunteer Support 

Point One Vision is a 100% service-based organization run entirely by volunteers. This is a place for people to bring their gifts unto the good of others while also developing their own talents with a team of other like-minded individuals. If you believe in this vision and have a desire to serve, please reach out to us at to be considered for a volunteer position. 

Thank you for your commitment, your love and your care,

Sarah Loogman

Executive Director


Exercise for Addiction Recovery

