A Giving Challenge

A Letter from the Director -

I know that it's early to bring up #GivingTuesday, but one of my personal positions for the last 10 years or so has been to focus my attention of the holidays away from the values of Black Friday (turned Thanksgiving evening into weekend into Cyber Monday) and to try to share that with others.

This isn't a judgement on how you spend your pocket money, by any means. The last place I have is in your financial business. In fact it might very well be prudent to take advantage of sales as you consider gifts for family and friends. But one thing I have learned in operating a ministry is that I'm called to be a good steward and strong leader - both of which often come at lengths I feel least comfortable with.

My shame of the holiday season is the interference of consumption that seems to surround it, culturally speaking. Whereas I have witnessed other cultures and nations observe holidays as a true celebration of season, change or honor, Western culture has perhaps been the least impressive in how we observe these moments. Rather than complain, however, I'd like to be a part of the solution which is why I bring this up now.

Giving Tuesday usually sits at the tail end of the post-thanksgiving campaign craze as a philanthropic effort to inspire "global generosity...unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world," as Wikipedia puts it. Unfortunately by the time we get there, most of us are spent in more ways than one and I think that this is a relevant analogy to many of our lives.

The world tells us that we have to fill our cup before we give to others - that our ability to serve is dependent upon our ability to first love ourselves. This language has permeated media, entertainment, fitness and church, even. The problem with this, logistically, is that to refrain from having an empty cup we become hoarders of our own energy and resource. You’ll watch this very idea unfold this Black Friday weekend as the masses scramble to satisfy impulse, needs and cravings before the Christmas season. Likewise you see this in the fitness industry that encourages physical health as a method of self-care, so that you might be able to contribute usefully to society out of your ability to self-love.

If you look, you’ll see this message everywhere and the truth is that without a biblical worldview it really is the only reasonable calculus of how to give. But the Bible has given us another option - “God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.” (2 Corinthians 9:8,11). What scripture tells us is that we are equipped, at all times and in all circumstances (not only after we have filled our own self) to serve others and to do good to them. And not only that but in doing so, we ourselves will experience gratitude.

This tells me that I can consider my ways of service designed not like a cup, but like a fountain - an ever outpouring stream of love, grace, kindness and mercy for and towards others because it was first given to us by our Creator. We can continue to pour endlessly out because we are endlessly poured into and this understanding begins to unshackle us from the equation of living offered by the world - “the truth will set you free” (John 8:32).

As humbly as I can, I challenge you to consider starting off this weekend by giving. I challenge you to consider your first spendings of the Christmas season to go towards the articulated causes of ministry. I challenge you to consider reaching for your wallet to donate to a nonprofit organization before "that" sale. And I'm not even necessarily asking you to make that recipient us. There are many organizations that are seeking year-end donations at this time and I know that because I am one of them and know others. What I ask and encourage you to do is to seek them out.

If Point One Vision has inspired you over the course of the last year or more in our service projects, we would be highly honored to be the recipient of your tax-deductible contribution. We would love to be your #GivingTuesday in more ways than we can even express! Here's how your dollars would be spent:

Our Mission

Ultimately, our mission is to be a beacon of Christ-centered truth in the fitness industry, not to put a "Jesus bumper sticker" on what the culture is already doing but to reconsider the algorithm of what it means to pursue health of mind and body. We believe that a person's greatest strength is found in the humility of a personal relationship with Jesus and that healing is also found in this truth alone. We also recognize the spirit of the New Age that inspires much of the fitness industry and offer a biblical perspective that enhances the truth that we see the world seek through fitness. The resources and education provided by this organization are pointed at this aim and as a fully active exercise in demonstrating God's love.


Our Full Armor mentorship program equips Christians within the fitness realm with the necessary tools to speak with confidence and relevancy within a fast-paced industry. The fact is that it's not enough to teach someone how to stretch and lift weights, but to be able to coach with empathy and mindfulness of the heart in real terms. By learning about breath work, nervous system management, emotional armoring and state shifting from a biblical perspective, these leaders are prepared with the necessary “full armor” (Ephesians 6) to be an effective and powerful believer in this industry. Nearly 50 individuals with backgrounds in physical therapy, sports coaching, fitness training, church leadership, elementary education, government leadership and more have graduated from this course to date.


One of our pillars is to partner with like-minded organizations as often as possible and not attempt to “reinvent the wheel” where God has already called and equipped others. Part of our support has extended to education and/or resources for organizations such as the Beautifully Flawed Foundation that inspires young people with physical disabilities and Keala Foundation that combats drug addiction and suicide in youth, as well as Steps of Justice and Steve’s Club.


This project is about empowering some of the most rural and remote areas of the world to rise out of "poverty culture" to one of greater hope and courage. It's particularly important in African countries to partner with local infrastructure to provide any sort of aid or poverty relief so we are currently partnered with Nets4Life Uganda and Pumziko Africa to distribute life-saving mosquito nets, malaria medication and food supply to some of the most remote areas of Uganda. As this project grows, we are also developing other partnerships that will create fitness opportunities for Ugandan villagers to teach fundamental principles of health through nutrition, exercise and spiritual maturity.


This project is one that, due to security measures, we can talk the least about but are especially excited about and need the most support for. We have spent more than a year developing relationships in and associated within Middle Eastern nations to bring education to women by practical means of teaching principles of spiritual growth. If you are interested to know more specifics about this project, please reach out to info@pointonevision.com.

These projects are the fruit of three years of a lot of labor and love to bring a voice of relevance that does not compromise in speaking truth. They are also merely the igniting sparks of what is yet to come. I'd be honored if you'd celebrate this with me and join our community by making a contribution - I’ll start.

With love,

Executive Director


Dry Bones Rise


For Freedom